Mini Pizzas

Hi again,

Sorry that I haven’t been about for a while.  I’ve been rather busy with one thing and another.

My new book, Edwin the Elf Meets Truman the Troll, is now written but it’s just having a once over by my parents.  I also need to take the pictures of Edwin, Truman and Barry to go in the book and it’ll be ready to go live.  Watch this space and I will let you know when it’s ready.  However, if you want to get in the mood and see what else Edwin has been up to then these two books are already available –
Me and Bert and Edwin the Elf –
Edwin the Elf in the Secret Garden –

Now, moving on.  What have I been up to in the kitchen you ask.  Well quite a lot actually.

I received a Tefal Fresh Express for my birthday in the summer.  It has been on my wishlist for ages but this year my Mum and Dad bought it for me.  I’ve been using it with the slicing attachment to do cucumbers for my husband but I know it can do a lot more than that.

For this recipe I needed some grated cheese.  The recipe is for some mini pizzas which are nice as an appetiser when you have friends around.


Tomato puree
Sliced Peperami (or other topping of your choice)


  1. Use a round cutter to cut out circles from the wraps.  Select a cutter that is a little bigger than the holes in a cupcake tray.  Once your circles are cut lay them on the holes in the cupcake tray.  You can try and must them down a bit but they will just pop back out.
  2. Now grate your cheese.  The quantity really does depend on how many you are making.  All I would say is that you don’t need a lot of cheese on each one as they are just a nibbles rather than a meal and you don’t want them too cheesy.


3. In the photo below you will see the various stages on making the little pizzas.  Spread on a little tomato puree add your cheese and then add the sliced meat.


4. Once you have your pizzas all cut and topped place them in the oven at about 180 deg c for about ten minutes.  When they cook the breads will sag a little in the middle making the pizza cups that you see below so everything stays contained within.


As with everything made with cheese you should be careful that the cheese isn’t too molten when you take a bite.  I’m sure there aren’t many of us that haven’t had a blister on the roof of our mouth from a bite of something taken too quickly after it left the oven.

These were incredibly popular and I could have made a lot more and they would have disappeared.

There are a lot more things to come so watch this space…

About emrothwell

Hi, my name is Emma, wife to a wonderful husband, part time employee of an accountancy firm and part time writer. Whilst following the Weight Watchers diet last year I discovered that I enjoyed making my own sweet treats rather than buying the small and disappointing ones in the shops. Weight Watchers may be a bit of a distant memory (oops) but my love of baking has grown and hopefully you will join me as I get more adventurous with my creations.
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